Online Questionnaire

The AMINODAN system will be designed based on the information given in this questionnaire. If any changes occur after the information is filled in please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you!

1. Company

2. Manufacturing process

3. Production capacity (maximum)

4. Do you collect the blood?

5. Working schedule

6. Quantity of waste water (maximum)

7. Number of employees

8. Domestic sewage line is united with industrial line?

9. Do you have some analyses of waste water?

10. What types of detergents do you use for cleaning the floors and equipments?

11. Which parameters do you need for treated water?

12. Space available for Waste Water Treatment Plant

13. Any other information that you think is relevant

All information presented in this questionnaire is confidential and will not be handed to third parties!


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Online Questionnaire